Undefeated Motors eSign Consent

Consent to Electronic Transactions

By Clicking “I Agree”:

  • You agree to all of these terms and conditions.
  • You consent to receive exclusively in electronic form via your Undefeated Motors Account these terms and conditions, including any updates, and all disclosures, notices or other information regarding any previous, currently contemplated or future transactions between you and Undefeated Motors LLC or its affiliates or partners (any of which we refer to as “Undefeated Motors,” “we,” “us” or “our”) relating to your purchase or lease from us of a Undefeated Motors vehicle.
  • You also consent to the electronic execution by us and by you of documents relating to the kinds of transactions described above, through your Undefeated Motors Account and any document presentation and electronic signature process that we implement in your Undefeated Motors Account. By way of example, such transaction documents may include motor vehicle purchase agreements or lease agreements. We refer to your receiving disclosure and information from us or executing transaction documents with us electronically through your Undefeated Motors Account as “electronic transactions.”
  • You represent that the computer or other device you are using and will use for any electronic transactions with us meets the hardware and software requirements below. You specifically represent that you can and will be able to (1) access and view, and (2) save to a disk drive for later access and/or print in paper copy, PDF files using such computer or other device.
  • You represent that the information that you provide to us in connection with the creation and maintenance of your Undefeated Motors Account, including your full name and e-mail address, is and will remain accurate.

Access to Information and Documents

Any disclosures, information or transaction documents presented or executed by way of electronic transactions will be accessible by you to view and print through your Undefeated Motors Account. You can also obtain, free of charge, paper copies of any such disclosure, information or documents by contacting Undefeated Motors Customer Service at the email or phone number provided below.

Withdrawing Your Consent

You can withdraw your consent to conduct electronic transactions with us at any time by contacting Undefeated Motors Customer Service at the email or phone number provided below. If you withdraw your consent:

  • You will no longer receive electronically, or be able to access, via your Undefeated Motors Account any disclosures or other information regarding any transactions between you and us.
  • You will no longer be able to execute any documents relating to transactions with us electronically via your Undefeated Motors Account. If a transaction with us is pending at the time you withdraw your consent, any document which was executed by some, but not all, persons required to execute such document, will have to be re-executed by all such persons in paper form.
  • Except for the foregoing, your access to and the functionality of your Undefeated Motors Account will not be otherwise limited.
  • We will not charge any fees or penalties for such withdrawal.

Updating Your Information

In order to ensure that the disclosures, information and documents that we provide to you via your Undefeated Motors Account reaches you, we need you to maintain the accuracy of your information. If you change your name or e-mail address, you may update such information in the “My Profile” tab of your Undefeated Motors Account.

Hardware and Software Requirements

In order to conduct electronic transactions with us, the computer other device you use to access your Undefeated Motors Account must meet the following minimum hardware and software requirements:

  • PCs, laptops, pads, or tablets with a screen capable of displaying the equivalent of a letter sized (8.5” by 11”) sheet of paper
  • MacOS 10.6 or higher, Linux, or a Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8 operating system.
  • A connected printer to print copies or documents and/or or sufficient computer disk space to save copies of documents
  • Internet access with an up-to-date Internet browser which allows per session cookies (please check these for compatibility). We recommend Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 or higher, Firefox 17 or higher, Safari 5.1 or higher, or Chrome 17 or higher.
  • A PDF reader such as Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or higher (if saved copies are desired).
  • A personal email account.

If we ever change the above hardware or software requirements such that we reasonably believe that you may no longer be able to conduct electronic transactions with us in the future with your existing equipment, we will provide to you via your Undefeated Motors Account a list of such revised requirements and an opportunity to withdraw your consent to conduct electronic transactions with us. We will not charge any fees or penalties in the event of such withdrawal.

Contact Us

Should you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding any electronic transactions with us, or if you believe that any electronic transaction is not properly operating, please contact us at the e-mail address or phone number listed below.

Undefeated Motors Customer Service:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1 (858) 294-8285

