Consigning Your Car

Consignment Overview

What is consignment?
Having a dealership such as Dimes Motors sell your car on your behalf. This service is 100% touchless and requires little to no effort from you to complete.

Can you sell my car faster than I can?
Yes! We have the most reach of any dealership in the world. Our advanced consignment service guarantees more eyes and potential buyers to your car. Additionally, we offer financing, trade-ins, and exports around the world.

How do I start the consignment process?
Submit your vehicle information in under 5 minutes by navigating to our Consignment page.

Do you accept consignment for all makes and models?
No. Dimes Motors specializes in luxury and exotic vehicles specifically. Your Concierge Manager will notify you if your car fits our expertise. At the end of the day we want to offer the best possible service for you. And sometimes we may not be it, however we will supply you with reliable recommendations.

What is your consignment fee?
8% of the final sale price of the vehicle. Once your vehicle is sold, we will disburse the final sale total minus our consignment fee, transportation costs, and any repairs that have been authorized.


How do I get my car to your dealership?
Once your consignment application has been approved, you will be contacted by your Concierge Manager. They will quickly schedule an enclosed transport to pick up your vehicle.

When do I have to pay for transportation?
Yes, but we cover it up front. The transportation fee is deducted from the final sale price of the vehicle once it sells.

How long will it take my car to get to Dimes Motors?
Vehicles transported within the US mainland (excluding Alaska & Hawaii) will typically reach our dealership within 2-10 days. Vehicles transported from countries outside of the US vary. Your Concierge Manager will be able to provide you with an accurate timeline.

Inspection and Repairs

Do you inspect my car once you receive it?
Yes! Your car will be immediately cleaned once it arrives our dealership. Then it will be assigned to one of our master technicians who will perform a 200-point inspection. Every aspect of your vehicle will be reviewed and a detailed report will be provided to you once complete.

What if my car needs repairs?
Your concierge manager will review any repairs or scheduled maintenance services that our technicians recommend. At that time you will have the option to authorize or decline them.

If I don’t repair my car will I get less for the sale?
Yes. We recommend getting your vehicle to the best state it can be in to yield the best results and highest sale price possible.

Do I have to pay for any repairs up front?
No! Any repairs or maintenance charges will be deducted from the final sale price of your vehicle.
